This is a page on my first MOOC learning experience. It was created in an application called Mahara - e-portfolio, which serves multiple educational purposes. You may create Pages there (this is an example of a Page), Collections of pages, Blog post, Résumé, etc. From the very beginning of our EDC MOOC this tool seemed to be an ideal one for recording and reflecting on the course. Thank you for spending some time browsing it, see the assessment criteria in the bottom left hand corner. Thank you for your feedback, Linda Pospisilova

Introduction - Play and Listen

EDCMOOC Glossary

creating highly desirable social, educational, or cultural effects

creating extremely negative effects for society, education or culture

Chandler defines it as ‘seek[ing] to explain social and historical phenomena in terms of one principal or determining factor’ - technology.

a person who was born in the Digital Age or who grew up with technologies.

a person who was born before the Digital Age, not growing up with technologies around, but picked up later on, to some extent.





See this link for more on the terminology used in the course.


Assessment Criteria

Assessment criteria
These are the criteria we ask you to consider for each of the three artefacts you evaluate.

  1. The artefact addresses one or more themes for the course
  2. The artefact suggests that the author understands at least one key concept from the course
  3. The artefact has something to say about digital education
  4. The choice of media is appropriate for the message
  5. The artefact stimulates a reaction in you, as its audience, e.g. emotion, thinking, action

You will assign a score to each digital artefact

0 = does not achieve this, or achieves it only minimally
1 = achieves this in part
2 = achieves this fully or almost fully


MOOCers in Action

This image was taken at the Faculty of Chemical Technology of the University of Pardubice, Czech Republic, where I teach most of my time ESP and this piece of art decorating the faculty corridors reminded me of what our  #edcmooc community looks like. And what is really funny, is the fact proving it is us - MOOCers in the pic, as the SW on my tablet has immediately offered me the Face tag function Smile See the picture below and find yourselves there Wink




Face Tag for MOOCers


Free Pics for Teachers by Teachers

Check this page out for copyright free pictures taken by teachers for educational purposes.


EDCMOOC visualised

You can see the EDCMOOC flickr gallery here


My brief reflection on the course

Technology and Us

This link will guide you to a video inspired by the EDCMOOC course.


EDCMOOC on Twitter

Here you can find the edcmchat feed


EDCMOOC Hangout #1

EDCMOOC Hangout #2

EDCMOOC Hangout #1

Reflections on the first Hangout in the course:

Watching the Hangout of the Week 1 was a very interesting experience for me. I did a kind of self-reflection on my teaching and learning at the same time. I was a learner making notes and ordering my thoughts on what has happened in MOOC so far and at the same time I was watching the professors closely - what they did during that week, how they manage the content, how they deal with excessive workload :-)

Some stats:

EleniZazani The #edcmooc G+ Hangout generated 729 tweets and 133 comments in the G+ page. Such a shame I missed the live version @EDCMOOC


EDCMOOC Hangout #2

The second hangout was a very useful experience again. This time I was able to watch it online and I also took notes and participated in Twitter discussion. Good experience with mutlitasking Smile
